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Bridal Hairstyle Part 4

As Featured On Ezine Articles

Hair-do is the key essential to a lady’s image. And that is why they spent hundred of dollars every a month or two to give themselves a new look.

I am really fascinated by the different hairstyle I am seeing and how hair styles move and evolve with fashion trends.

In any case, I also realised trends do revert to those of olden days with new add-on ideas.

When a man got married, there must be many embracing of lady’s culture.

Be encouraging when she decided to cut her hair short and have a new look.

Be assuring when she couldn’t fit into a dress she bought many years ago.

Be patient when she was mesmerised by the sales in shops that sell anything from dresses to shoes to jewellery.

When a man and a woman stay together, there bound to be clashed in values, beliefs, practices from the past twenty or thirty years before marriage.

Do give each other space to adjust to the new environment as well as physical space for your wife’s old clothes plus future new clothes.

I realised after 5 months into my marriage, marriage actually meant bringing two different parties who are not alike and meshing of each other and complimenting of each other.

I think many couples want to change each other, making squares out of them if they are triangles.

Hey,we are not plastcine and we won’t like to be moulded into something we are not. Likewise, before moulding someone else, put ourselves into their shoes.

bridal hairstyle

bridal hairstyle

bridal hairstyle

bridal hairstyle

bridal hairstyle

bridal hairstyle

from english.people.com.cn

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