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Bridal Hairstyle Part 1

If you are a female reader, I’m sure your knowledge on bridal hairsyle is much more than mine.

I would like to share how you can more easily explain to your make-up artist the type of hairstyles you want.

These are what you can do:
1. Surf the net or browse through wedding magazines.
2. Cut or print out the photos of brides with the hairstyles you want.
3. Bring these pictures during your visit to your make-up artist.
4. With the photos, describe to them what you have in mind.
5. Make-up artist will spend some time doing the new hairstyle for you.
6. See if your really like it and it further enhance your personality.
7. Check out any hair accessory that is available.
8. If you need to borrow any accesory on the wedding day, do arrange to collect from the artist a few days before that day.

A good tip is remember to choose something that suits you, that the other way round.

Here are some photos I managed to get from the net (with links back to their websites)

bridal hairstyle
from makeupmagician.com

bridal hairstyle
from aperturephotographics.com

bridal hairstyle
from parkviewlifestyle.com

bridal hairstyle
from theweddingco.hk

bridal hairstyle

bridal hairstyle

bridal hairstyle

bridal hairstyle

from jaynestars.com

Here are the past two posts (hairstyle one and two) on bridal hairstyles.

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4 Responses to “Bridal Hairstyle Part 1”

  1. 1
    -:-queen_pat-:- Says:

    Hi Jhong Ren!

    Despite being a guy and admitting that you have less knowledge on bridal hairstyles, I think you did a pretty good selection of the photos as well as information how to go about getting the perfect bridal hairstyle. 🙂 I certainly think that a lot of your readers would benefit from all the information you have provided on your site. And you blogging about a topic of such, is something I find admirable for a guy. 😉 I certainly would be using your blog as a guide to plan my wedding (which will only happen in another 3 years’ time :P)!


  2. 2
    Jhong Ren Says:

    Hi Patricia,

    Thank you for your compliment. I admit I don’t have the knowledge. However, I went through the wedding process and I observed how it was done for BOTh bride and groom….

    And I thank you for reading my blog. 🙂

    If you want to post any relationship stuff as a post on my blog, let me know. 🙂

  3. 3
    -:-queen_pat-:- Says:

    Thanks Jhong Ren for your generosity! 🙂 I’m trying to revamp my site at RelationshipsGuru.com. Anyway, I’ve added you on my blog roll! Something that is really overdue. I’m really getting hooked on your webbie.. haha.. coz I’m really looking forward to organising the perfect wedding in the near future with the help of your blog!

    Keep bloggin~! 😉


  4. 4
    Jhong Ren Says:

    thank you…u r very kind in your encouragement for me… 🙂

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