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Destination Wedding

Destination wedding to some exotic places could only be afforded by couples who have some spare cash to spare.

Normally, for a middle-income family like mine, we will go to normal places like Taiwan, Japan or Korea (South Korea) to be exact for our honey moon. And we will most probably spend a week or two over there following guided tour or on free and easy package.

The general spending of one person could be around S$4000.

Lately, I had seen some interesting posts by brides of other countries planning to go to wonderful places such as resorts or villas by the sea where they can relax after months of planning their wedding.

destination wedding
from wedlog.org

destination wedding
from excellent-romantic-vacations.com

In addition to having your honey moon at this far far away place, couples also hold their wedding ceremony there.

I think it could be quite a different experience compared to traditional weddings at traditional places.

I find that it is a good idea, if feasible, to make wedding a simple one.

However, due to customs that we must follow, as much as we wanted our OWN wedding, we always have to seek approval from our parents who may say “NO” :_(

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