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Present to My Friend – My very 1st Digital Scrap Book

My friends had been encouraging me to set up my own brand.

A brand that is socially responsible and bring love to people.

My purpose is to make everyone happy, happy not because of me, but because of their spouses, families, friends or even themselves…

On one of the pages of my first scrap book, I wrote:

“This scrap book is the first of the kind that I had ever done…

It is a gift to you from us because we feel that you are worth it…

The story of the scrap book lays the photos of the very special someone who you are about to see…actually you have seen her…the very special baby on the front page…

The scrap book with the person’s photos will be the gift for eternity…the very few presents that accompany us all the way…

When I was trying really hard to type in the words to describe the photos, I had difficulty…as only you know yourself best….

so I am presenting to you…as a younger brother who present my very 1st scrap book to the elder sister…

with dedication and gratitude”

I am going to give my brand a name: Precious Memories…

So our heritage…all our heritage…yours and mine are preserved…

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2 Responses to “Present to My Friend – My very 1st Digital Scrap Book”

  1. 1
    Lissy Says:

    JR, so is the physical scrapbook coming off its birth soon? Or is it in the trimester of its pregnancy now? Can’t wait to see more!!!!

  2. 2
    Jhong Ren Says:

    soon soon…now im in the practice phase…will do digital first cos easier to amend… 🙂 thanks for your support

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