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Marriage Starts from Small Step

As Featured On Ezine Articles

Many friends around me are mostly working adults and they are dog-tired after each day of work.

Many times, it was really hard to put aside a day to spend with your spouse.

Sometimes, plan might have been laid out on a Friday night so that you and your spouse can spend some good time together to catch up and unwind.

Unexpectedly, your boss asked you to stay back because of a big project. There goes for more over-time and less time with your dear one.

Work, work, work…

we all know work is endless…

from www.barcode.it

but time with our love one is not limitless…

If we keep on pushing back what we have always wanted to do with our spouses…say going for a movie, travelling to some countries or joining a course together…we are going to meet with more disappointment because “our next time” will be replaced with future work and tasks…

Sometimes, I know I’m really busy…and know that the work has to be submitted…

But many times, I tell myself that today is a promise to my wife that I will spend time with her…and I just ahve to close both eyes and push my work aside.

What about you? How much time do you spend with your spouse?

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