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What Do You Want In Life… …for Your Relationship?

Many times we took our relationship for granted…only to realise it when it is too late…

We always plan what we need to do tomorrow or in the week after..even till the year after next…be it for work or leisure…

But how many times do we plan for our relationship…before it becomes blurry and murky…and the worst thing is we didn’t even realise it had changed…

murky relationship

How many of us consciously tell ourselves and our partners that by this date this year, our relationship is to improve by so many notches…

Hmmm…something to ponder about later over your lunch or dinner?

How many of us consciously tell ourselves that we need to tell each other “I love you” at least 2 times everyday?

How many of us do have a diary specially dedicated to improving our relationship with our spouse?

wedding diary

How many times have so easily replaced home activities with work last minute?

My diary, as far as I know, contains only to-do lists till the end of this year…and at most some important dates to remember…

Perhaps, for now, not only just me…all of us do really sit down and plan WITH our spouse…how do we want to imrpove our relationship…

Hmmm..easier to say than to be done…>.<

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