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My Pretty Cousin ROM Today

My cousin will be going for her ROM (Registry of Marriage) later and I will be attending this very important function!!!

She has always been my adorable younger sister even though she is just my cousin.

She just personally called over the phone to invite us to her ROM although she had invited us earlier. Hmmm…this is called courtesy and respect as she explained she had to do it because she is more junior than us. 😀

I will be helping her to take photographs as she is going more for budget-wedding. So, as relatives, we are trying to help her in anyway we can, to help her reduce costs. >.< Okie....I got to prepare my camera, my batteries and my compact flash card. Will post some of her pretty photos later! >.<

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One Response to “My Pretty Cousin ROM Today”

  1. 1
    Jessie Says:

    Hope u took many nice photos of my sis today. cant wait to see..

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