Wedding day…2 am till 8am…before the groom leaves for the bride’s house
The last post that I had was done 2 days ago. The anxiety, excitement and nervousness that I had was hard to be described. The feelings that was swarming inside gave me another sleepless night.
On 10/12 (Sunday) 3am, I was still awake. Still tossling in bed at 3.45am. Oh my, I am going to look like a pand groom. @.@
At 6.25am, 5 minutes before my alarm clock rang, Normally, I have the tendency to try to sleep till even the very last few seconds. Today was different. I immediately woke up even though I still have about 5 minutes more.
I saw all the lights on the house. My mom was busy preparing setting up the “dragon and phoenix” candles, making tea and cutting the cakes for breakfast for us as well as the guests.
I quickly bathed and get dressed up by 7am. My first brother arrived at 7am. Subsequently, all arrive by 8am and we had a shot before we go out.
It was a really hectic morning. We still have loose ends to tighten up before we left the house.
N was helping me unwrap the plastic sheets from each rose from the bouquet.
Y was busy coordinating and briefing my other brothers the schedule from morning till night.
Y and E were busy testing the montages for one last time to see if eevrything flows well.
S was busy preparing his camera kit, 2 SLR with 3 lens and 1 extra flash light.
H was helping me to be my timer for the day and calling the bridal car driver to see if he is on his way.
P was looking through the schedule to see if there is any last min changes and helping me to distribute the schedule to other brothers.
Before I left the house, I have to pray in front of the candles. My cousin, M was helping me to pin up the corsages on my breast pocket of the coat.
Guests started streaming in as early as 7.45am and I was really anxious about what will happend throughout the whole day. But, I’m determined to make it a memorable one-in-a-lifetime event in life. This is my mind-set for our wedding day!!!
So off I go with
1. 1 bouquet of roses
2. 1 wedding present (hand-made)
3. 1 poem that I wrote at 12am the night before

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