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Shoes!!! …. >.<

On 1st December, we went for final fitting. Our appointments was at 7pm and we reached at 7pm sharp. But the studio was over-packed with 4 pairs of wedding couples waiting to do their final fitting.

By the time when it was our turn, it was already 8.30pm and we wasted 1.5 hour of waiting time.

It was really chaotic in the studio and the studio was under-staffed. Only 2 staff taking care of 2 couples at any one time. Plus, some wedding couples brought along their siblings, nieces, nephews and parents….oh my…it was as if the studio was going to explode.

There were couples complaining of their long waiting and there were constant apologies from the manager. Sigh…couldn’t really believe what had happened….”over-schedule

So the moral of the story is “Never over-packed the appointments”!!!

While waiting, I was super-bored. So I took some photos of the shoes my fiancee will be wearing on our big day!

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3 Responses to “Shoes!!! …. >.<”

  1. 1
    Esther Says:

    i love the white one!!! where ur wife bought it n how much does it cost?
    Pls tell me!!! Lolx.

  2. 2
    Jhong Ren Says:

    it is from charles and keith….

  3. 3
    Jhong Ren Says:

    btw $20 to $30 during promotion period 🙂

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