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Video: Another way to Propose?

Run out of ideas to propose? 🙂

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One Response to “Video: Another way to Propose?”

  1. 1
    TOFUmonkey Says:

    I planned for about a year for my proposal.

    How come? It’s because I intended for it to be on an island and I need to gather lots of kakis to go as a group.

    It is at a malaysian island: Pulau Perhentian Besar, closest island is the famous Pulau Redang, right up north of malaysia.

    I wrote her a poem in which only she knows.

    I wanted to propose during the dusk where there’s a little light, but I had a splitting headache due to the lack of coffee, rest and pressure from the diving.
    Thus i only proposed during the nite time. 🙂

    Then we retired back to the chalet room to *celebrate*


    Hope this is as romantic as it can get for her…

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