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How much stress can I take?

My head is bulging. Imagine a ballon inflating in your head…i feel like this right now. i just had my test…totally demoralised…studied so hard and yet, i don’t think i did well. but i did my best.

now, im still learning to cope with my anxiety and stress level. sometimes, i wonder how much stress my body can take? work+studies+wedding+ some other things that only people around me can sense it…

?now, im just doing my best to cope and to really keep my mind blank sometimes, consciously…free from any thought and worries…i’m just like anybody…a normal person..trying to live my life the best i can…

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5 Responses to “How much stress can I take?”

  1. 1
    Gladys Says:

    Hey hey..hope you are feeling less stressed now….take care ah! Must take some time off to ‘destress’ and not talk abt the wedding stuff sometimes I feel 🙂

  2. 2
    Jhong Ren Says:

    yup…must destress….how did u destress?

  3. 3
    Gladys Says:

    Hmm we just do other things haha like go makan, or do sports; and temporarily dont talk abt wedding stuff! 🙂
    We did feel stress esp with all the tight finance yet wanting to have a nice wedding but I guess ultimately it’s a marriage and not abt that 1 day wedding..

  4. 4
    Gladys Says:

    But can definitely empathise coz you have to work, study and prepare all the wedding stuff so time is really tight for you! Next year will be my turn (*sweat*), so really hoping my flat and renovation can settle by end of this year..hiaz that’s if I can find my flat first…:[

  5. 5
    Jhong Ren Says:

    yah..plus constant nagging at home….u can read my new post a moment ago….

    so much things in my mind..going nuts soon

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