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My Bedroom has been renovated

After 7 hours of hammering and drilling, it was peace in the house finally. Our bedroom furniture set had been assembled. Earlier this week (about 2 days ago), the contractors brought the bedframes and the cabinets in different parts. They were gigantic and took up lots of space in my house till I hardly had space to walk.

My bedroom’s physical environment is changing. It was not easy for me to see the workers tearing the bed and the cabinets which I have emotionally attached to for the past 18 years or so. It had been passed down from my aunty when she got married that time. She managed to move out with her husband to their own apartment and I owned everything she left behind in her room. :p


My bedroom new design

?Now, it had gone. Sigh…I still miss my old bed and my own cabinets. Now, my life is changing, transiting from one stage into a new one.

When, the contractors finished assembling my new bedroom set, I was awed and impressed by what I saw. Clean and neat and trendy…an evolutionised design, completely different from the room that I used to sleep in.

As of now, I can’t use my new bedroom,,,only till my wedding day…it is a traditional Chinese belief. Everything must be new on that wedding night…

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3 Responses to “My Bedroom has been renovated”

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