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No matter how old you are, your parents will…

“encouragement 1” : “You are so tattered…you better stop doing that…look at yourself”

“encouragement 2″? :?”You are just like Z…you are the same as her…”

How will you feel when your mom “encouraged” you this manner when you just woke up? (Now is 9.30am and I’m feeling sleepy)

These classic examples were blown at my face just a mere 5 minutes?after I woke up. Parents??!!! They still think you are 5 year old, ignorant, naive and not able to make decision. C’mon…now I’m 27 already.

Have it ever happen to you that your parents still nag at you even though you are an adult?

When we were young, we thought “only if we grow up, all these nagging will stop…we will have our well-deserved freedom to do what we want…” blah blah blah

Yes, our body mature..but the way parents still think we are still babies wont change…parent-child conflict exist because parents think they are still “taking care of you.”; “encouraging you”…(oh yah right…with that kind of statements…you feel encouraged?)

My interpretation for enoruagement 1:?c’mon lor..check out the fact then “confront me”…i see it as a confrontation rather than encouragement….

My interpretation for encouragement 2:what? you comparing me to a 15 year old? it makes no sense!!!

What do you think is my response? I totally shut off and I don’t even bother to look at her or reply her…

If you were me, what will be your response if your mom talks to you like this?


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