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Wedding Preparation is Everybody’s business

Planning a wedding is never easy. It requires many people’s help here and there plus lots of network. Wthout external help, it is nearly impossible to organise a wedding. Yes, you can still do it. But it will require more effort and time.

?To elaborate, for example, my friend in NUS let me know of finding the necessary info from singaporebrides.com. Without her supplying me the info, I may have to spend more time on the internet searching for the right info. You can find the post here https://romance-fire.com/?p=8

For the bridal studio, the boss is my father’s friend and he saw me grow up from a 2-year-old boy to a young adult who is going to get married. Of course, there will be special privileges thrown into the wedding package and extra good service too. The boss even asked the manager to specially take good care of me.

?At the hotel side, I owed alot to my buddies who are people-oriented people. They can bargain and negotiate very well and they had helped me get many good deals. For my other friends who also played a part in choosing the ring or even willing to lend us their “ladies card” / credit card so that we can have discount on our wedding bands.

I got to know of how to choose mattress from another friend who warned me there may be fake mattress if the price is cheaper by alot.

I owed greatly to my mom who is super understanding and neevr gave me any stress at all. It is?a blessing because I have heard of stories of parents giving additional unneccesary and unhealthy stress to their children over the wedding.??

Some of my friends even offered to help me despite they know they are not invited for the wedding dinner. Our wedding dinner will only be open to relatives. And these are the times, I know who are those friends who are really close to me. Thanks alot, guys….

I have known of some friends who don’t have really much help because of their limited circle of close friends who they can rely on to help out in their wedding preparation. Knowing this made me really treasure my networks and friends that I have made over the years. I’m not saying we consciously build network just to get their help; what I meant is because we have been good to people in the past, that is why some of these people return the favour in other ways. Thanks alot!!! to everybody out there!!!

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