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Wedding Photoshoot in June 06



Photoshoot for us was on a weekday and it was for the whole day!!!

The timeline is like us :

9.30am- meet hairstylist for hairstyling and make-up

10.30am- Indoor shoot in this order (wedding gown, evening gown, kua and japanese costume)


1pm- we had our lunch break

5pm- the indoor shoot ended and we have to go for outdoor shoot


(sorry hor….no dinner break)

6.30pm- we are in NTU

8pm- we are in changi beach

9.30pm- back to studio

10pm- very tired and face is numbed (becos we had to smile for the whole day)


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2 Responses to “Wedding Photoshoot in June 06”

  1. 1
    Neil Cowley Says:

    So do you have any pictures of your actual wedding? A full day of fashion shooting is awesome, but do you remember the real emotions of your day?

  2. 2
    Jhong Ren Says:

    Hi Neil, how are you? yup…there are all here…

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