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My Own Photographs

It is really a headache to find the photographer. Maybe I got high expectation? But once in a lifetime le. The skill of the photographer must at least be better than me. :p

For me, taking photos is like telling a story. It requires patience to capture the right moments. Each photo shows a captured moment. Many photos tell the whole story. It is not easy. It requires patience and sharpness. Out of 10 shots of the same scene, maybe 1 or 2 will be the better ones.

For me, I was asked to take photographs for free for one of my friends’ ROM. This is one of the photos I can share with you. It is a pillow with the wedding bands on top. For those who are preparing for weddings, remember to get a pillow. It could be part of the freebies from the bridal package. If no, you got to get one, either by borrowing or getting a new one.


Pillow with wedding band

The next photo is a picture of my cousins when they were attending my other cousin’s wedding dinner. As typical teenagers, their eyes were always glued to their mobile phones.

The fruit tarts served during the ROM


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