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Steven & Eileen’s wedding

It is 12.30am and I manage to see my buddy, Steven online. Managed to get some of his recent wedding photos so that I can post it online. Steven and Eileen and my fiancee and I used to be group project mates. In fact, we were in the same group for 2 years.???

We would like to thank them for inviting us to their wedding dinner and we were extremely delighted to see them get married. Once again, thank this couple for willing to allow me to post their wedding shots on my blog. Wow! extremely excited!!! Thanks alot!!!


An outdoor shot of the couple. Hmm..wondering where is the venue?


This is Eileen, in her evening gown during the indoor photo shoot.


A photo shot of the couples in traditional costumes is a must…

They certainly Look very loving!!!

Hmmm..I’m not sure if I did my best to give the photos the best description. I could have given better ones. Hmmm….time to buck up my English…But I’m sure the photos speak for themselves. And can give my readers who have yet go for their photo shoot, a clearer idea how it is like. It is going to be tiring too, and may numbed the mouth after smiling for the whole day…but it is certainly worth it…:D

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