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How I have made my first pair of earring for my fiancee?

The earring that I made
This is my first posting for my wedding blog. The blog is not entirely ready yet, but to kick-off the blog, I shall post something that is close to my heart. What you see here is a picture of a pair of earring.
I spent the night before Valentine’s Day at 10.30pm to create my very first pair of earrings for my fiancee. This is my first time doing it. At 11pm, I was twisting hooks, attaching the beads and aligning the strands of crystals late into the night. Hmmm. .finally after spending 4 hours of adjusting the earrings and another 1 hour quality-control, I could finally say I have completed making them. I was very satisfied about my work. Hmmm…hope my fiancee will love the earrings.
Making a pair of earring is never easy…it left minor bruises and cuts on my fingers. 🙁 The cutting and the bending of wires were not as easy as I had thought of earlier and I began to appreciate ladies’ accessories more. Let me give it a name…hmmm…what should it be…let me call it “j&j” representing the first initial of both our names.

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