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Archive for the 'Wedding Jewelry' Category

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Jewelry to Compliment Your Wedding Dress


from manjade

When you first think about wedding jewelry you may automatically think about the wedding ring itself. Even though the wedding ring is the most important piece of jewelry to be placed on the bride, there are many other pieces of jewelry to consider. The wedding ring does not end up with the bride until the middle of the ceremony. The rest of her jewelry that day will be worn as she walks down the aisle, as she stands in front of her soon-to-be spouse, and for the rest of the party night in most cases.
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Seventy Seven Diamonds – A Unique Online Diamond Jeweller

The most important day of your life. Memories that will last forever. Making your wedding special is all down to the preparation before hand. The very first thing is an engagement ring (as without one there would be no wedding!) Not only is it a tradition, (dating back to 1477 when Archduke Maxamillian gave his fiancé the first engagement ring) it is now a modern custom. When there are so many online vendors, it is important that you pick one which has all of the requirements needed.

When buying such special items, it is important to have trust in the people selling them to you. Seventy Seven Diamonds aim to make the preliminary process of choosing and buying rings a simple and enjoyable one. It is a new breed of jeweller, specialising in engagement rings and wedding rings. It comes with a passion for diamonds that spans more than 20 years and is part of a heritage of four generations. Expert knowledge of diamonds including the all important Four C’s, comes as standard.
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Jewelry to Compliment Your Wedding Dress

from thebigbangballoons

When you first think about wedding jewelry you may automatically think about the wedding ring itself. Even though the wedding ring is the most important piece of jewelry to be placed on the bride, there are many other pieces of jewelry to consider. The wedding ring does not end up with the bride until the middle of the ceremony. The rest of her jewelry that day will be worn as she walks down the aisle, as she stands in front of her soon-to-be spouse, and for the rest of the party night in most cases.
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5 Important Tips You Need To Know About Silver Jewellery

debt elimination
photo from devin ho

Gold jewellery has been very popular for the past decades. But now, some brides are turning to silver jewellery to maytch their wedding gowns.

Now, silver jewellery is highly popular as modern brides go for the more contemporary look.

Are you thinking if you should consider silver jewellery?

If you are, do read on for 5 important tips on choosing one.
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14 Excellent Tips on Choosing Your Wedding Jewelry

wedding jewelry
photo from oncewed

On the special day of your wedding, you would definitely wish to look like an angel. Everything you wear will definitely add to your beauty and wedding jewelry forms an essential part of your wedding attire. The jewelry you wear should match with your gown and should also be comfortable to wear. Of course, you want your jewelry to attract the guests but you don?t want it to beat the wedding gown you wear. Any accessory that you chose to wear should compliment your wedding gown.

Choosing the right wedding jewelry will not only augment your looks but will also help to enhance the beauty of your wedding gown. For many brides, wedding jewelry is a piece of love and commitment that will be with them forever. Here are some tips for you if you are a young bride looking for a guide to choose your wedding jewelry:

1. When you are looking for choosing your bridal jewelry, decide if you are going to purchase or rent the jewelry. If you feel that wedding jewelry is just part of your wedding occasion, you can choose hiring wedding jewelry. When you search online, you can find a number of shops that offer wedding jewelry for hire. You can also borrow the jewelry from your friend and wear it during your wedding. Your guests care less for how you obtained the jewelry but they care more for how you look on your special day.
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