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Initmate Wedding In Marriage Life

photo from babasteve

How intimate is your everday marriage life?

Is it just like the like on your wedding night?

I doubt so.

Many atimes, after the wedding night, the romance and intimacy somehow drop drastically.

I wonder why is it so.

Could it be because the honeymoon period is over.

Or is it that they don’t know how to make their after-wedding nights and days more memorable and romantic.

Somehow, I read before that sex, finance are the biggest hurdles in marriages.

And intimacy somehow spice up every aspect of the marriage and makes the wife and husband more attractive towards each other.

I know it is not easy.

Other factors such as communication, respect also play a part.

Managing your expectation in your marriages is also important.

Are you expecting your wife to be just a wife or a mother and wife or a mother-wife-maid combined?

Sounds funny but it can be true and even the other way around – the wife’s expectation on the husband.

It is not easy. Otherwise, there won’t be so many divorces and many people will be happily married after, just like how we were told in bedtime stories when we were younger.

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