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Top 10 Wedding Sites You Must Know! – TopWeddingSites.com

TopWeddingSites.com top 10 wedding sites

In this series of 10 blog posts on the top 10 wedding sites, I have earlier featured Onewed.com. In fact, online wedding guides are many and I have another one – a very popular online wedding guide with tons of essential wedding information.

Top 3 unique features TopWeddingSites.com have:

1. Wedding Store

They have a wedding store with a huge selection of discount wedding accessories and wedding supplies such as bubbles, bells, brand new, not refurbished or recycled, disposable wedding cameras, frames, personalized items, and bridal party gifts.

You name it; they have it!

The wedding items are all at guaranteed lowest prices. I think so and at least this is what they claimed.

Not bad for a one stop station for brides from across USA to visit.

2. Coupons

You know one thing that all brides love!

You are right! Coupons!

Planning a wedding is somehow a curse to their saving accounts. It drains the accounts like nobody’s business. And that is why there is a saying: if you have no money, don’t get married.

Or a better way to rephrase is to save early for your wedding.

At this page, they have wedding coupons from wedding accessories, favors to gifts.

Take a look and maybe you can get some discount – up to 10%.

3. Newsletter

Are you looking for wedding planning newsletters?

TopWeddingSites.com archives their past and present wedding planning newsletters which are created quarterly and sent by email to their subscribers.

The articles are then archived here to help future brides who are planning their weddings.

How thoughtful! =)

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