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My Wedding E-Book is out

Finally, after working very hard for 3 months, we have finally published our very own wedding planning e-book “How to Plan Your Fabulous Wedding!”

Really amazing how a wedding e-book is so hard to be published online but I am doing it because I know that eventually I’m going to benefit my over 34,000 readers who have been reading my blog every month.

Many have emailed me to want to have a copy of my wedding planning e-book even before it is launched today.

And because they are my readers, I have sent them a few copies for their purchase.

Finally, I can rest for a day because my eyes hurt so much by getting this wedding e-book done.

P.S: This e-book has over 180 pages of wedding planning tips, tables and guest list template.

P.P.S: Affiliate partners can take 75% of the sales of each book so that they can cover their expenses for their own weddings. >.<

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