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1 True Story All Men Need to Know about Women Giving Birth

Having posted this short video of baby Shun, I have decided to quote the story of my cousin who had just given birth to my nephew. She narrated about her labour story that no book out there can exactly tell you what happened in the hosiptal, moments before the delivery.


If you are planning to have a baby, you got to read this to better understand what labour is.
If you are the husband, read this and know how great all mothers are.

24 June (Sun):

I felt some diarrhea like pains in the early morning. Told my husband about it but brushed it off since it was bearable. Went back to sleep with the pains coming on and off.

Felt the pains coming in more frequent coming once every 10-15mins. Wondered whether it was due to the sushi I ate for dinner on Sat night. Brushed the pain off again since due date is 2 weeks later. Husband started to get nervous and kept asking whether he should call the hospital. I continued to sleep while he start to pack in case I needed to be hospitalized.

Woke up and ate breakfast. Felt the pains coming once every 7-8mins. Decided to call the hospital at 1130am.

Doc said I was already 7cm dilated! I couldn`t believe it and felt excited about baby arriving soon.

Changed into hospital gown and strapped on to CTG machine for 30mins. Husband proceeded with the admission procedures.

Transferred to another room to wait for full dilation. Lunch was served.
Drank a bottle of chicken essence to replenish energy.

Nurse came in at regular intervals to monitor baby`s heartbeat and my contractions.

8cm dilated. Contractions becoming worse but still bearable. Husband kept massaging my spine area and lead me to control my breathing method.

Was fully dilated. Moved to delivery room. Nurse said that baby will be delivered by midnight if everything goes smoothly,

Doc said baby`s head is not moving low enough for delivery. I was told to release my bladder to ease baby`s passage down. Went to toilet with the help of nurse and husband but can`t feel the urge to urine.

When I opened the toilet door, my waterbag burst suddenly and splattered all over the floor. The colour of the water was brown which showed that baby was in distress.

25 June (Monday):

Doc came and told the nurse to insert urine tube. PAINFUL! I bited on to my husband`s hand.

Put on drip and antibiotics to prevent any infection.

Doc explained that I might have to go through C-section as baby is showing signs of distress. Made preparations for C-section (X-ray, blood test, electrocardiogram). I kept praying very hard that I do not have to go through any more trauma.

Urine tube inserted for second time. Bited on to my husband`s hand again.

Contractions became worse and I was screaming every time it came. Told my husband I want to give up and go ahead with C section. Husband was calm and kept encouraging me.

Was told by the nurse that she can see the baby`s head moving down a little.

Another doctor was called in for further discussions on how to deliver my baby.

Doctors decided to proceed with assisted natural delivery by using the vacuum. I was injected with medicine to speed up contractions.

One doctor climbed on a chair and instructed me to push hard when I feel the next contraction. I see the other doctor down there with a pair of scissors giving me episiotomy.

The biggest contraction in my life came and I used all the remaining strength I had to push as told. The doctor who was on the chair pushed my stomach hard and the other doctor attached a rounded cup to baby’s head in the birth canal. I gave out a loud scream. Husband told me he can see baby`s head.

Baby Shun finally arrived after 23 hours 50 mins of hard and long labour without epidural or any pain reliever !No more energy to shed any tears of happiness. Finally, was given anesthetic injection and was stitched up.”

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3 Responses to “1 True Story All Men Need to Know about Women Giving Birth”

  1. 1
    May Says:

    Wow!! Thanks for sharing–it is very nice to know the truth of childbirth . It is not often people share their tales of labour!

  2. 2
    Jhong Ren Says:

    thank you may…i think nothing should be hidden from the readers… 🙂 and Im gald you enjoyed reading the post. 🙂

  3. 3
    Mong Says:

    I felt so nervous when i read your blog. The whole process is very clear to me now. Thanks for telling me what to expect as a mum to be.

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