5 Biggest Headaches Wedding Couples Are Experiencing

Recently, I sent out an email to my readers asking them about the biggest headache they are experiencing while planning their weddings.

I have quite a number of replies and I have taken out the 5 most common biggest headaches wedding couples are experiencing so that we all can learn from their experiences.
I would like to stress that no name is mentioned to protect the identity of the wedding couples.
Headache 1: “My husband can’t seem to be bothered by the wedding planning and I feel so lost. He didn’t even stay with me during the trying of wedding gowns. I don’t even know if he is the right one for me.”
It sounds real bad. Most of the times, ladies just need the reassurance that they look good in their new wedding gowns. It is their first experience and we are all excited over our first time. Who is not?
In addition to that, it is the companionship of someone important to the brides and the process of enjoying the wedding gown selection together.
For guys, they are more goal-oriented and that makes the difference in their shopping styles. They only visit a mall when they know what to buy and where they can find what they want. They go into the mall, grab the items, pay for them and leave.
Ladies like to hang around the malls, try the items if their are clothings, walk around to other malls and talk about their buying experience.
Headache 2: “The biggest problem I’m facing now is the number of tables I need to standby for my wedding dinner and how much money I need to standby for the bandquet just in case I need to fork out any.”
It seemed to me that the number of extra tables is hard to guess. This may arise due to indecisiveness of parents as well as the in-laws on who to invite.
Even for me, my in-laws were not even sure till the last few weeks before our wedidng day. On my side, my mother had to make do with what had been planned by not inviting her friends.
What we had done at that point in time is to give a rough gauge and make do with it.
Many times, I know our parents want to invite their close friends so that they can celebrate this joyous occassion together.
I also have some of my relatives not able to turn up last minute due to overseas deployment of work. Another thing I learnt is that some relatives will assume their maids are invited because of their status.
So, it will be wise to confirm with your relatives and friends if their maids are coming.
As for the money aspect, set aside more money thatn you need after you do a rough estimate.
Headache 3: “Mockery of shared wedding photos in forums.”
I was really displeased when a bride shared with me she had been laughed at after some forum members mocked at the wedding photos she shared with them.
I’m sure this bride must have felt very sad. She must have trusted the forum members so much such that she decided to share her wedding photos.
Wedding day is every lady’s greatest transition in life and it is one of the most important dates.
In my own opinion, every bride is pretty in her own rights and we shouldn’t really be bothered how others think of us or how we look in our photos.
What matter most is how you feel about yourself!
Headache 4: “Some Bridal service providers judge a person by how deep his pocket is.”
Many brides have complained about why was that the sales team was so nice during bridal exhibition and they lost their smiles once the wedding contracts had been signed.
It is a realistic world out there and the sales team had its sales quota to meet. Hence, they would go all out and sweet talk you till you sign on the dotted line.
My advice is to personally go to the bridal studios and hotels and take a look at the actual place. Talk to the customers in their shops and ask for feedback, both postive and negative.
In my opinion, the sales coordinator will only specially take good care of wedding couples who personally know the employers or directors.
Headache 5: “My hubby’s family is in Malaysia and they seem to me that they couldn’t be bothered about our wedding preparations at all! I have been pestering him for dates of our Guo Da Li, An Chuan and guest-list thing but till today there’s no response from him nor from his family!!
My biggest problem now is my Guo Da Li.I have been wondering who is going to bring all those necessary gifts to my parents to “Ti Qing”? My hubby said he will do it himself?”
My sense is that the bride may feel clueless of what can be done and feel unsupported from her future husband’s family.
It would be good to openly discuss what is going on with the husband and tell him how you feel. Remember marriage is about one’s lifetime. Do use this opportunity to work out a solution together.
It may not be the best solution but it is the process of discussing that matters.
Many times the wedding tasks are simple. It is just the people who make it complicated. The challenge here is to manage the people well.
You have a headache you want to share too? I would love to hear from you. You can drop a comment or two below.

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I think the key the last part, “Many times the wedding tasks are simple. It is just the people who make it complicated.”
You have to just try you best to push the people who are making thinks complicated and sending negativity away..
June 30th, 2007 at 1:19 amMy biggest headache was my then boyfriend decided to get married in 3 months and he was not actively involved in the wedding planning at all. It was my nightmare and I was glad that it was over.
July 2nd, 2007 at 2:33 amIt is true about the number of spare tables. Headache. I am supposed to be my best friend’s brothers that day. But I have an accident the day before his wedding so I couldn’t attend. Luckily, I didn’t attend. I heard all the treat or tricks are for me.. : )
July 6th, 2007 at 6:17 pmMaybe we can gauge like having twenty tables for per spare table.
hi scott, yah..managing people and staying positive is the ky thing
hi i whined, when it was over, you realised there is a sigh of relief..like a new start
hi shawn, what kind of tricks for u? care to share?
July 6th, 2007 at 6:38 pm