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Understanding myself and my wife

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Married life means a life of commitment. There is no longer just you or me but it is about us. Us means you+me or even you overlapping me.

To me, married life means being there for her when she has happy (or sad) things she wants to share with me.

Married life means understanding how hectic my partner’s work has been and understanding that she may be affected in one way or the other.

Married life means forgiving my partner for not having spent enough time with me.

I had heard of stories of how husband had taken his wife for granted and even blaming her for not spending enough time at home, for bringing complaints from work to home or even for not having taken good care of the children.

For me, my personal opinion is it is ok for my wife to talk about the stress she faced in work because she must have felt comfortable to share with me and she feels safe with me. And this is why she shares with me.

I don’t know. I have heard of spouses feeling really irritated by the complaints from their significant others.

If after she shares with me and she feels better, I don’t mind sharing half of her burden.

If after she shares with me and she knows a better way to cope, I don’t mind listening to what she says.

If after she shares with me and I could understand her better, I don’t mind spending my time hearing her out.

If I, as the husband won’t listen, who will?

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One Response to “Understanding myself and my wife”

  1. 1
    Discover Unique Wedding Cake Toppers Online Says:

    One of the biggest adjustments in being married has been for me to become a better listener for my wife. It took me awhile to realize that she didn’t come to me for advice, she came to me so I could listen. Just shutting my mouth and holding her is about the best thing I can do.

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