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Sending out our Wedding Invitation cards

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1 more month to our wedding…we are busy preparing the wedding invitation cards.

There are a few things you need:

1. The guest’s name and surname (if applicable)

2. The guest’s mailing address (if you are not passing to him/ her personally by hand)

3. A pen to write the names on the inserts

4. A ribbon or string to secure the inserts to the cards

5. Glue to seal the envelope

6. Stamps for those cards to be sent by snail mail

We were pretty busy these few days, trying to get the addresses from the guests and also getting my committee together.

Today, I had met the solemniser and he has briefed me on what will be done during the solemnisation process. The next step will be to go to ROM on the stipulated date when we will be collecting the necessary ROM documents. Busy busy…>.<

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One Response to “Sending out our Wedding Invitation cards”

  1. 1
    linda grandson Says:

    Well all is so beautiful but when it comes to time sometimes we need to rething. and why dont we make our lives easy.

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