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Wedding Photographer found..after calling at least 10

There is some amendment. Instead of the previously stated 5 photographers, my fiancee had cold-called at least 10 of them. On last Monday, our photographer had emailed us the contract and all we need to do right now is to go to his studio to sign it. Hmmm..but we are always so busy…..wonder when can we go?

 Meanwhile, this is another piece of work by my photographer. You can view more of his works at this post https://romance-fire.com/?p=63


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6 Responses to “Wedding Photographer found..after calling at least 10”

  1. 1
    Anonymous Says:

    Your choosen photographer and his wife (I think its also the coy’s project manager) was featured in today (sat) Ch8 variety show..taking about married couplehood…sweet couple! May you and ya wife-to-be have a blissful marriage!

  2. 2
    Jhong Ren Says:

    Thanks alot…glad that the photographer is featured..only shows that he is good enuff to be featured…how did you know it is featured in channel 8?

  3. 3
    Ant Says:

    Hi hi, it’s me Ant Ng, ur AD photographer. The one appear on TV is not me, is my partner, wrong number la.

    As for the agreement, dun have to drop by my studio, just let me know when & where is good to meet (any of u, wife or hubby also can), i will drive over and just need 5-10 min will do.

    BTW dun know u r also in photography, stress man…hehe. Anyway thanks so much for allowing me to be a “part” of your Big day.

  4. 4
    Jhong Ren Says:

    Hi Ant…how you get my site? stress man…u dont mind me helping u to do a bit of free publicity rite…cos we love ur photos man..:p

    so maybe after our wedding shot, u can be featured on channel 8 or even channel news asia..

    once again, great photos..me ah?..just an amatuer la..cant be compared to u…haha 😀

  5. 5
    Ant Says:

    No worries, feel great u like my pics. Am happy you feel proud to show my work 🙂

    I wont like my face to appear in public (TV or magazine) … old and urgly ar… actaully my work did appear in TV & magazine b4, but that is interior designing hehe.

    I also amatuer ar, still lots more to learn 🙂

  6. 6
    Jhong Ren Says:

    OKie…thanks le….see u on thursday..:D

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