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Repost: Gown Series 2 (Part 7 of Steven & Eileen?s photo shoot)

This is the 7th post for Eileen and Steven?s photoshoot series and I have hardly used up half of their photos. There will be more to come. Generally, in a bridal package, there will be 3 gowns offered to the bride. So far from those packages I have heard about, they offer 1 Made-to-measure evening gown and 2 MTM wedding gowns (one for outdoor and the other for indoor).


Nice gown!!!




Very loving couple!!!

One thing to take note for photoshoot is what is the style you want to be portrayed in the photos. Do discuss with your spouse what both of you are more comfortable with. Different couples have different personalities and so this will be shown in the photos. Enjoy the discussing process!!! It is part of understanding yourself and your partner at a deeper level.

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