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Nightmare Rescue! – 26 Tips To Look Out For When You’re Hiring Your Wedding Planner!

wedding planners
photo from R.B. Boyer

While planning a wedding, you need to get whatever help you can get.

They can be your siblings, your friends, your relatives, your mother-in-law, your father-in-law and so on.

You need to brief them exactly what kind of help you need and exactly how they can go about doing it. Print out the tasks and instructions even if you need to make things simpler for them.

Don’t assume they know what is in your mind as they are just like you – planning wedding for the first time.

Alternatively, to make your wedding planning life really easy and enjoyable, you can hire a professional wedding planner and here 26 tips to look out for when you’re hiring your wedding planner!

1. I feel a professional wedding coordinator should have been certified that he or she is qualified to be a plannner. They will have taken a wedding coordinator or consultant or planner course and have a certificate to show for it. To check the validity, you can even call up the education institute to enquire.
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