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19 Craziest Wedding Ideas For Your Wedding

wedding party
photo from birmbear

The happiest moment in anybody?s life is his or her wedding, where the bride and the groom are locked into the life of togetherness by the wedding band. Weddings are always fun filled if the planning is perfect. Planning for a wedding will take more time and efforts. These days, many people hire wedding planners to plan their weddings. These planners are expensive and you won?t have a personal touch during your wedding ceremony.

What can be more joyful other than watching your guests enjoying the wedding you have planned yourself? Always have a notebook and pen to note down your wedding plans and check the list often to know what you have to do next. Below are a few tips that will guide you to come out with unique wedding ideas to make your day more special:

1. Before you start thinking about the wedding ideas, determine what your budget will be. You and your groom have to sit together and finalize the maximum amount that you can afford to spend for your wedding. Wedding planning is all about purchasing and getting ready for the ceremony. Unless you know how much you will be able to spend, you cannot start planning for your wedding. You don?t want to be out of cash when you are about to start a new life.
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