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Email Interview IdeaGifts.com.sg


I had the chance to interview Seetoh and Evelyn, the owners of IdeaGifts.com.sg.

Here is the email interview:

1) Can you give me an introduction of yourself, when and how did you startout and what is your wedding site & business about?

Idea Gifts is a dream turned reality – a dream between two persons with diversified passion, zeal and talents and one belief: One of whom has great interest and passion in gift-giving, brightening faces with interesting, innovative and heartfelt gifts; Another of whom has strong beliefs in sharing and presenting these great gifts to everyone in almost borderless manners, the popular online option.
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Unique Wedding Gift Idea

wedding gift frame
photo from bridesmaid-gifts

If you really have the best interest of the couples at heart, you would want to provide something valuable for their future.

What about giving them a company or part of a company as a wedding gift?

Seemed far fetched isn’t it?

But this is one of the most unique wedding gift idea I have seen so far.

Buy a share in a frame.
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18 Beautiful Wedding Gifts Choices You Probably Haven’t Known

wedding gifts
photo from sharonar

Wedding, the most joyous ceremony, it is very special for the couple getting married. If your beloved one is about to be married, then it is obvious that you will brainstorm for wedding gift ideas. You need to present a unique gift for the wedding of your near and dear ones, as it is a very special occasion in their life.

The gift you present should be something different and personalized so that the couple remembers you forever. Before you choose a wedding gift, you should first know the likes and dislikes of the couple who are being wedded. The value of your gift is not determined by the price you pay but by the love and affection, you express through your gift.

When you are out for purchasing a wedding gift, you can find that numerous choices are available in the market. You may not want to present a normal gift for wedding but you would be searching for specialized gifts matching the taste of the couple. If you want to present a unique heart warming gift for your dear ones, you need to do little homework and put in some effort.

Today, all the couples have their wedding wish list that contains a list of their preferred wedding gifts. If you are able to get access to that list, then you can easily decide on the gift you are going to present by choosing the one from the list that fits your budget. With the online shopping facility, you can get the best gift from any part of the world without traveling to that place.

1. If you are very close to the couple who are getting married, you can sponsor a part of their wedding plan. You can take care of entertainment part of the wedding or you can sponsor the drinks for the guests. When you sponsor the entertainment, make sure that you bring in excellent musicians and DJs and some extra entertainment stuff that would be remembered not only by the couple but also by the guests.
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What Wedding Gifts Do Brides Really Want?

bride and diamond ring
photo from :: a r d e n t ::

I have been thinking really hard why is it that grooms always have to think so hard to buy a wedding gift for their brides.

Or are they thinking too hard?

We have always heard that diamonds are girls’ best friends and that is why for engagement, you see that Diamond Engagement Rings are must-to-buy items.

Without the diamond, it only means sending the grooms to the slaughterhouse as they don’t really understand women at all.

What about the wedding gift?

What is in fact worthwhile to be a gift for such a grand and important occassion.
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What Wedding Gifts To Buy? Top 5 Tips

Fun Bridesmaids
photo from kisluvkis

I have realised that during your wedding preparation, the last thing on your mind is most probably the wedding gifts.

Why do you need a wedding gift?

Wedding gifts are for thanking your fiance and your helpers.

You need to thank your fiance for trusting you and commiting himself to take care of you forever.

You also need to thank your helpers for willing to help you in your wedding planning. Without them, your wedding day won’t be possible.

“Oh no! Tomorrow is my wedding day and I haven’t got the wedding gift for my fiance!”

In fact, this is normal. Many couples, including us, actually got our wedding gifts during the last few days before our wedding day.

So, will this happen to you?

I hope not.

In fact, this post shares with you on how you can, at your convenience, get or make the wedding gift. And at the same time, give you some ideas on what to get. Though we thought that we truly understand our partner, we will be quite clueless on what to get.

Funny isn’t it? We have yet to really know the person we are getting married to.
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