photo from edwardoliveOne of the most important elements of a wedding day is the wedding cake. The beauty of the cake is astonishing for all the guests, including for the youngest children.
Why should we consider the importance of the wedding cake?
We may say that the wedding cake is the main piece of your wedding reception. Also, it is one of the most admired elements of the wedding. It is actually meant to be the most attractive topper of your bridal ceremony.
There are indeed numerous elements to consider when you decide upon the right cake for your wedding. This is a very complex element with all the details that it must contain. Nonetheless, it is indeed worthy as the wedding cake is one of the key points of your wedding reception.
Here you will find 32 options of choosing the suitable cake for your wedding.
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Posted in Wedding Cake | 4 Comments
After I did a post on “Our Hello Kitty Wedding in Hong Kong, if there is one“, I find that there are in fact more wedding photos related to Hello Kitty.
Here you are. Enjoy! >.<

Hello Kitty Wedding Cake

Hello Kitty Wedding Cake Topper

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Local pastries are not really fantastic.
How many types of wedding pastries have you seen during wedding lunch?
Normally, pastries are only offered during buffet lunch.
In Singapore, we normally have wedding dinner and it is a sit-down dinner which serves main courses.
Back to pastries, in fact, there are very limited choices we can choose from. We call them finger food.
Wherever we attend wedding lunch, we see similar food…spring rolls, kuehs, otahs and so on…
(Of course if budget allows, you can order high tea for your buffet. Then, the caterer may consider bringing in better pastries that suit your budget.)
There are some shops that specialise in customising cake designs…

from tiramisutra.comI’m looking for more unique savories that don’t just appeal to our taste buds but also the colors of the table decors.
Wedding should be a colorful event..an exciting transition for the bride and the groom…
Wedding should be filled with as much color as possible…not just colored by the laughters and well-wishes of friends and relatives…but also decor items we can see…
I’m wondering have you come across cakes that you can bear to eat them but to bring them home as a collectible…

from cakescateringtn.com Continue Reading »Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment
I still remembered when I was on the stage with my bride (now my wife) and we were ready to cut the cake.
It has all along mystified me how does the wedding cake actually look like. Is the whole cake edible? Are all the 3 layers real?
When I was on the stage, I was both nervous and excited. Nervous becaus eeveryone was looking at us. We were the stars for the night!!!
Excited to find out what was all the myth behind the wedding cake.
Soon we realised there was a small slit just big enough for the knife to cut through. We gave each other a vague smile…like “Huh??!! That is all?!!!”
Haha…unless we wanted to pay extra for a REAL one….think it is fine as long as there is a cake-cutting for us.
I have chanced upon this wonderful Our One Heart web site which is showcasing some beautiful and unique wedding cakes.

From www.aboutthecake.com
From www.maisiefantaisie.co.uk
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