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6 hours of wedding shopping

Today it is back to work. Yesterday had been a fruitful expedition to buy wedding accessories and necessities.

In the morning, we paid respect to my father and my fiancee’s grandma. These are hard and happy times for us as we remembered the people who love us alot and yet, they couldn’t possibly attend our wedding. They can only look from heaven and give us our blessings. Or they can appear as angels in our dreams and guide us along. Or they may appear as a stranger and become our guardian angels, even for a moment, to make sure we are safe.

Yesterday, we celebrated that I handed all my assignments, projects and term paper. Could you imagine you are working full-time, studying half-time, preparing your wedding, and at the same time trying to adjust change of life-stages from a boy in the mom’s eyes, a boyfriend in my girl friend’se eyes, a single man and the little boy in my own’s eyes to still a boy in my mom’s eyes, a husband in my wife’s eyes and a responsible and committed husband to my wife in my own eyes?

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Where to get Wedding Customary Items?

Conituing our journey from House of Etiquette?(see?previous post), we made our way down fom Tanjong Pagar Road to Chinatown Complex (see here for map).

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Wedding Kua

Last Friday, we scouted for another shop which specialises in selling kua. It took us half-an-hour to locate the shop. It is along Singapore, 86 Tanjong Pagar Road. It was not obvious if you scan across from the opposite shopping lane. It was only when we crossed the road and walked to right in front of the shop, then only we could identify it was the shop.

?It is called “House of Etiquette”. It sold and rent Chinese wedding Kua. So far, I think it is the only shop that does that.

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Where to get Customary Wedding Items?

My fiancee just told me her colleague had told her that there is a shop in Ang Mo Kio central selling the customary items. The other shop we know of is in Chinatown, Pices centre. (It is a very old shop on the second storey. It is made up of two shop units) I also heard that the stall attendants will educate wedding couples on the do’s and don’ts on the wedding day. So this is the major reason why we are going.

Some personal thougt: Up till now, we were too busy with our work. Plus, each of us is taking turn to fall sick. Sigh…we got to really take good care of our bodies and health. The journey together is still long…Lately, I also don’t know why I’m so uptight and anxious. My relative told me I looked skinnier…sigh..not a good sign…i’m already very skinny..now I have more headaches and nausea. Better take care of myself…>.< ?For my relatives who are reading this post...not to worried...and don't tell my mommy...i dont want her to be worried...

What do I have to buy for our wedding day?

ok, I have just paid my Actual photographer the deposit. Looks like most things are set. What I think has to be done are done… What else is to be done? Sigh…so many things on my mind and I think I’m going nuts…

Heard from my photographer there are some customary items we need to get:

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