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Every Mothers’ Night Mare: 10 Body Jewelry For Wedding!

Body Jewelry
photo from maryannemc

I’m sick of talking about the normal wedding jewelry like engagement rings, bracelets, necklaces and the likes.

How boring! Have you ever considered gold body jewelry for a change? Something that can give your mother night mare.

Body jewelry comes in different designs and patterns and can be even more exquisite than the normal wedding jewelry. Women wear them on different occassionsm including weddings to showcase their body beauty.

I will share with you 10 body jewelry that you can consider wearing for your wedding and there are piercing and non-piercing types.

1. Tongue piercing
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Credit Cards For Your Weddings

wedding money
photo from duane a

Money money money!

Who doesn’t need money? Especially it comes to weddings, money is the number one solution for your wedding.

I remembered for me, I was really hesistant in taking up credit card during my wedding preparation.

To me, credit card is bad. It makes people want to spend money without much thinking.

But now, it changes my mind.
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Part 2: 4 Wedding Items to Get for Your Wedding

Singapore’s wedding favors are really dull and the common ones that you see are either pastries or bears with keychains.

I wonder how many years have the hotels been using them. I remembered the styles of the wedding favors have not really changed in the Singapore’s wedding arena.

Even if wedding couples don’t like them, they have no choice but to keep within their budget and choose the least worst out of the choices hotels give.

I have been browsing through reputable websites such Amazon.com and found some really interesting wedding favors. You know as well as I know is that the first thing guests see on their tables are the wedding favors and the quality and uniqueness of it set the mood they have for the rest of the wedding night.

Interestingly, guests such as relatives and real friends do not judge the quality of your wedding. They really want to bring their blessings.

These are some wedding favors I got and hope they can give you a better idea of what kind of the wedding favors to get for your perfect wedding.

wedding favor
Heart Mirror with tiny Rhinestones Wedding Favor

wedding favor
Wedding Rubber Ducky

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Wedding Ang Pow Box

As Featured On Ezine Articles

In Chinese Wedding, there are always reception tables for the guests to ask about their table which they will be sitting at.

In addition to that, this is a time when guests will give red packet or ang pow as a gift to the wedding couple.

There is money in the ang pow. If you are just a normal acquantaince or fellow colleague, the amount of money is about S$80 to S$100.

For very good friends, they may give about S$120 to S$150.

For relatives, they may give from S$200 to S$2000 depending on the closeness and relationship.

Some relatives may even give to S$10,000 to the wedding couple.

At the reception table, there is an ang pow box when guests can slot their red packets in.

There is always a close relative or family member who is incharge of the box as the amount of money in the box may build up to S$40,000 for that night.

I have heard of con man who posed as relatives and divert the attention of the person who is in charge of the box. The con man may lied that the groom told him to take over and he ran off once he got hold of the box.

You may choose to do-it-yourself or buy a ready-made one.

How you can do a ang pow box for your wedding?

You need to get a box for A4 papers, a piece of wrapping paper, glue and a decor.

For the decor, you may be able to get wedding bears, dolls, angels or any item you think is suitable.

Here are some ang pow box designs you may want to follow:

ang pow box

from singaporebrides.com

ang pow box

from blissloft.com

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Lunch at the Japanese Restaurant and Purchase of wedding gift

Today, my fiancee invited us?lunch. It was a sumptuous and satisfying lunch with Japanese cuisine served. You get what I mean when?you see the photos we took.?


The Prok Belly that lterally melt in my mouth. For those who love fatty meat, it is a must to try.

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