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5 Best Marriage Relationship Poems Which You Should Give Your Wife

loving couples
photo from Travelin’ James

All men are such idiots.

They have always thought that to make their wives happy, they just need to splurge lavish gifts on their wives.

Is it really true?

I strongly disagree that marriage build on such foundation can last.

Most of the times, there is no need to give expensive gift to my wife (even though there are some special times we need to spend more).

I reallise that the most beautiful gifts are always the simple gift which I can do it yourself.

It can be done by you, siad by you, written by you.

What is the key?

It has to be from you and that is all it needs to make the gift special.

One of them is definitely writing relationship poems.

I am no writing person and I can’t compose poems.

In fact, I hate Literature during my secondary school days and I hate those times writing poems.

Now, somehow I feel guilty I should have mastered the art of poem composition well so that I can write lovely relationship poems for my wife.

But this is what I can do…
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