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Overseas Wedding Photos

Dreaming of taking your wedding photos overseas? That has been my dream since a long time ago, especially with at places that I will never be able to find in Singapore. I longed to take pictures at a lavender farm after seeing some beautiful photos in the newspaper. When I saw a wedding travelogue on TV, I was even more captivated by the great scenery. By a stroke of luck, I chanced upon the same bridal studio that sponsored the trip and immediately got my husband to see the photos for himself.

It was a tough decision and we told the coordinator at the road show we would think about getting the overseas bridal shoot as we already had our own wedding package prior to this. The additional money to be spent on the trip would come in handy for our wedding preparations, such as getting a better venue, or securing more tables for our friends during the wedding dinner.

Nevertheless, we told ourselves that we could go on the trip like a normal year-end holiday that we usually had, and at the same time, we get to have professionals take our wedding photos overseas. We would be made to feel like stars while having our holiday.

In addition, we would not have to worry about being dependent on one studio to ensure our wedding photos are well taken. That was because we had bought our wedding package from the bridal studio without doing any preparatory work as we were lured by the very persuasive staff. I nearly broke down after checking up on the bridal studio on a wedding forum, and saw very negative reviews.

Therefore, my husband finally agreed to pay for the overseas wedding photo shoot in Perth, Australia, and we signed up for the package. I?ve chosen my wedding gowns, and we would be setting off next week. Find out more on how the photo shoot goes, and what to look out for when choosing wedding photography packages if you wish to take your wedding photos overseas.

Guestblogged by Sarah Tan