photo from paul_ark
Many times I wonder why some newly-formed couples can be so much in love while the other couples who have been married for a long time felt tortured by their relationship.
I am not sure what your thoughts are but I have my answer.
The word is commitment.
For couples who have yet married, there is not much of commitment.
They meet barely for a few hours, at most 9 hours a day and off they go back to their own home.
During these times, they display the best side of themselves. They cast their ugly side behind their masks. They just need their good side to make their relationship work.
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Posted in Marriage Reflection | No Comments
photo from amataiclaudius
After marriage, there are many things to get adapted to.
There is new environment, new house, new “parents”, new life.
One of the biggest headaches is moving houses.
It is a chore to move your belongings from your parents’ house to your new house.
Personally, I have never moved houses before, but I certainly can feel the pain and trouble from my common friends who are shifting houses.
And here are 3 tips which you should know if you want to minimise the hassle.
1. Engage a Moving Company
Who says you need to get your hands dirty when moving houses?
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Posted in Wedding Planning Advice | 1 Comment
photo from RiseFromObscurity
How many Mothers Day Gifts will you have after your wedding?
2 or 3?
I hear 4.
The answer is 3.
You have your own mother and another new mother-in-law.
Where does the third one come from?
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Posted in Marriage Reflection | 1 Comment
photo from davemmett
“I’m with someone else…it is not your fault…it is mine…”
How many times have you heard these statements in tv shows exhibting infidelity?
The man and woman move on in their own separate lives, as if nothing happens. Some may attend some marriage counseling and they still move on their lives after a few sessions.
Is everything fine then?
Or is something happening deep inside them and they don’t want anyone to know the emotional turmoil they are feeling inside?
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Posted in Marriage Relationship Advice | No Comments
photo from ritalawrence
I want to be a house husband. Yes, I want to be a father.
I plan to make my 5 figures in Internet Marketing and this is good enough for my first baby.
I did an interview with a friend of mine who had just given birth to her baby son.
I want to know exactly how much I must save to prepare for our first child (or even twins. :p )
Below is the Windows Live Messenger Interview:
– { Jhong Ren ?BySea -> says:
want to ask u how much to save for baby delievry?
i love my friends and family says:
do you want to deliver in public hospital or private
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Posted in Needs After Wedding | No Comments