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Love Letters For Your Wife

from joaoalmeida

Yesterday was one of the most important moments in my life, beside my wedding day. I attended a Dale Carnegie course. It covers on topics such as stress management to conflict resolution. The best thing is the common principles can be applied both in work and home.

On the last day of this Dale Carnegie class, we had to bring along friend. And I brought along my best friend and soul mate – my wife.

In fact, I wanted to write a blog post to thank my wife for being present. I think I should take a break from writing about wedding gowns or wedding hairstyles and I am just thinking it has been quite a while I wrote a love letter for her. This gives me a brigt idea to label this post as “Love Letters for Your Wife”

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5 Common Struggles Of A Groom, After His Wedding

marriage bliss
photo from hnakamura

Marriage is a bliss. Everyone says that.

Commercials about weddings make them look so magical and care-free.

Weddings lead to a life of eternal happiness and romance.

Is it true for you?

For me, it is not true.

I am not saying I don’t like wedding. I love wedding and especially mine.

I love my wife too and everyday I told myself, “I can lose everything that I have but not her. I only have one her.”

Before my marriage, I was a carefree guy, in the sense that I can plan for my life and my finance.

But what happen after my wedding?
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Email from Sandra: Wedding Stressful and Overwhelming!

From Sandra:

“Hi Jhong Ren

Thanks for the reply and for your amazing blog, the information available is pretty comprehensive and useful.

I am currently at the stage of planning my wedding for next year .. toughest aspect is to decide the exact date and to agree on what exactly do we want for our wedding. My fiance is really busy and seems like I have to be the one doing most of the work … I want a simple garden wedding reception while his parents expect a grand wedding dinner with really good food and I just feel overwhelmed and unsupported with the responsibility…..currently at the stage of feeling stressed and afraid that I might become a bridezilla …

Hee .. sorry that I have to offload like that … just needed a neutral party who understands … wedding matters can plan, but relationship issues cannot plan …

Need to be reminded to keep my focus on our relationship … not let all the wedding affairs affect us … want to be there for the long haul … trying my best to keep myself at peace …”

My thoughts:
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Feelings of a Bride & Groom

sad groom and bride

My cousin will be getting married really soon and I am elated for her nuptial.

I feel delighted and my thoughts were pre-occupied with the happenings of last year.

I was married last year and exactly a year ago, I was feeling frustrated, tense and anxious.

Yes, I was very excited over my wedding.

However, there were so many unpredictable things happening every week and these things were driving me crazy.

Yes, crazy is the word to describe my wedding preparation!

There were money issues, mother-in-law’s issues, wedding preparation issues and other inevitable invisble issues.

My head was literally cramped with stuff and yes, I remembered I was having my few examinations for my Gradute Diploma.

I was triply stressed: wedding, exam and work!
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How Late Do You Allow Your Spouse to be Home?

As Featured On Ezine Articles

Yesterday, I was quite frustrated about the fact that my wife was home late and she forgot to abide to the pact we made many months ago.

The pact is to call home or drop me a message if anyone of us will be home late. We have to inform by 10pm.

However, she forgot.

Even though I may be quite angered by this encounter, I told myself it was quite a rare opportunity for her to meet up with her ex-classmates.

I started to put myself in her shoes and imagined how fun it was to be if I were hanging out with my old classmates.

It was like so much things to catch up with so little time.

This is like a change of focus, from what was bad to the better side.

In fact, do you know what is the reason for informing?
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