Email From Linda,
“Hi JR,
I plan on attaching two charms to a card and handing them out as favors. Could you please help?? I am stumped at what I should put for my phrase, and all of my ideas sound cheesy.
Thank you!
I got this email from one of my subscribers, Linda and she needs help in her wedding.
She is getting married soon. Linda needs help on coming up with a phrase in her card with 2 charms attached to it.
Please help her.
Would you be able to come up with a phrase that suit her wedding favors? You can leave your suggestion in the comment below.
Posted in Favors For Weddings | No Comments
“Hi JR,
We just had our meeting of our parents on 8th November. I’m not very happy with my mother and my fiance’s mother as both of them kept repeating that we, the youngsters seem not to have our own point of view and are not specific enough in the wedding arrangement we want to make for ourselves. Thus his mother kept saying that I, as the bride, seem not to know what to prepare for our own wedding. This makes me feel very upset. I also feel that it seem that they are not interested in our wedding. It made me regret agreeing to get married in the first place.
The other problem I am facing right now is that my wedding will be on 23 November 2008 and I have not prepared anything yet, and I do not know where to start preparing. 🙁 I’m going crazy soon!!
From Susan”
My reply:
“Hi Susan,
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Posted in Wedding Planning Advice | No Comments
From Sandra:
“Hi Jhong Ren
Thanks for the reply and for your amazing blog, the information available is pretty comprehensive and useful.
I am currently at the stage of planning my wedding for next year .. toughest aspect is to decide the exact date and to agree on what exactly do we want for our wedding. My fiance is really busy and seems like I have to be the one doing most of the work … I want a simple garden wedding reception while his parents expect a grand wedding dinner with really good food and I just feel overwhelmed and unsupported with the responsibility…..currently at the stage of feeling stressed and afraid that I might become a bridezilla …
Hee .. sorry that I have to offload like that … just needed a neutral party who understands … wedding matters can plan, but relationship issues cannot plan …
Need to be reminded to keep my focus on our relationship … not let all the wedding affairs affect us … want to be there for the long haul … trying my best to keep myself at peace …”
My thoughts:
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Posted in How To Manage Stress, Wedding Planning Advice | No Comments
One of my readers has this enquiry:
“Hi, I’m actually a future mother-in-law who is absolutely blur about Chinese Customs. My daughter will be getting married next year and we’ll be given tables by her future Father-in-law (he’s paying).
Do we keep all the wedding dinner’s Ang Pows that our guests give us? (It is my intention to let my daughter and Son-in-law have them in the end.) Thanks for your advise.
Also, what is Guo Da Li for?”
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Posted in Wedding Custom | No Comments
Hi, I have a question from one of our readers and I would appreciate if you can give him some ideas:
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Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments