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Moving On Beyond Wedding. Looking For Baby Prams?

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photo from snorthsullivan

A Man, a Schoolgirl and a Baby

Soon after your wedding, the natural stage to go into is family planning. If you are pregnant, there is another 9 months to prepare yourself and your home for the new addition to your family.

There are a number of things that you should buy in advance which are either necessary or could just make your life easier when you return home after birth.

Just like in a wedidng, you will be spending another big boom preparing for the new arrival of your baby.

I have been looking around for different baby prams.

Some are light and convenient to be brought around while others are heavy and bulky, though sturdy.

If you think that wedding planning is tough and have many things to be done, you have yet to see your to-do lists for your new born.
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